Believe in yourself!

When you look at your life, is it giving you what you want? Is there a moment where you felt like, “Hey I wanna be in such and such place or I wanna be like such and such person. I know I can do more than what I’m doing now. I know there’s a great…

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Santorini – Greece

There are buildings around the world, that have naturally adapted to its surrounding and beautified the overall architectural image. Santorini, Greece – had me dreaming for about a year now – truly it is one of the most captivating cities in the world. An island with approximately 15,000 residents, not sure if this is considered as a…

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Second home

Just like any other emirates, Sharjah’s economy started off with water; citizen pearl diving and fishing to sustain their lives. They began expanding their urban grid corresponding to the topography of the city. Quick design transition was done to Western approach by adding parks and expanding the streets. Unfortunately, this had led into destroying the fort…

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Nature in Islam

Nature is a fascinating phenomena and we often think its a place to visit, rather it’s a home and filled with inspirations. But why nature? Why get inspired by mother nature? Because nature is an independent process; not only does it systemically solve its own problems, but it also sustains itself. However, throughout the course of…

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Residence of Andalous

Overview As we move forward in life, we tend to lose track of our identity sometimes. However, there are few architects out there that recall our most important Arab-Islamic elements into the architectural designs across the Arab states, to view and value what we once had. The Andalous Residence, by the French architect, Serge Santelli,…

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What is Heiwa? Peace in Japanese. Why peace though? I always wished peace, with peace comes love. The world is an on going war zones and hatred. Why? Is it all for the money? Which country can have the biggest land on the planet? None sense. It’s really sad to know their goals. This life is short.…

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